Junior faculty at Al Azhar University in Cairo aim to advance pluralism and increase mutual understanding between Islam and the West.

ELRC Typing, Needs Analysis and Soliya Survey

Hello and Welcome to the ELRC!

Because computer skills are an important part of the ELRC program you will be completing some tests and questionnaires on computers at the ELRC.

All students must take a 3 part test
1. Typing Speed Test - You will take a 3 minute typing test. Try to type as quickly and as accurately as you can. At the end of the test tell your teacher your Words per Minute (WPM).

2. Student Needs Analysis - For an English language program to be useful to you it must fit your needs. This survey has 20 questions and is designed to help the ELRC collect information about your English language learning needs.
Amira's Class
Mohammed's Class
Mahmoud's Class
Samia's Class
Fatma's Class
Marcus's Alums

3. Soliya Survey - Soliya is an online program for dialog between Muslims and Westerners. This survey will collect information about your attitudes towards other cultures. It will take you 30-60 minutes to complete.

Thank you for your time and careful thought in completing this 3 part test!
Have a great year at the ELRC!

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